007 - How Do I Choose My Practice Name?

007 - How Do I Choose My Practice Name?


In this episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella dive into the nuances of naming a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice. They explore the strategic and personal considerations that influence the choice of a practice name, reflecting on their experiences and the broader implications of this decision. This discussion illuminates the process of establishing an identity for a medical practice that aligns with personal values and professional aspirations, offering listeners practical advice for making this important decision.

Link To Podcast: How Do I Choose My Practice Name?





Okay, we we are recording. So I forget how we did the Intros last time. Do you want to introduce this one welcome to another episode or something Thanks for joining us. Go ahead.



Phil Boucher

Um, sure welcome to Oops Welcome to another episode of Dpc Pediatrician I am a no, no, no wait. It's Dpc Pediatricians isn't it.




Yeah, yeah.



Phil Boucher

Okay, welcome to another episode of dpc pediatricians Today we have a topic that marina and I have not discussed our views on I don't know what she thinks about it and I do know what what I think about it. But today we're going to be talk about naming your practice. And so since I don't know what you think about it I want to let you go first marrida and talk about naming your practice because this is a big thing like most pediatricians have never gotten to like name their practice or pick out their colors or the lokos or things they join a practice. They're employed by a big hospital system. Just accept the branding and color schemes like this is something where it's really like your baby and it's going to be something that sticks with you for a long time and has quite an impact like when you enter the phone you're gonna say this. Um you're gonna refer people to your website. How did you pick your name and then what are your thoughts around.




Yeah I definitely thought a lot about it I think it's something that maybe we overthink in the beginning but there are a few basic principles that I think can guide you as you try to choose your practice name. What I did for mine is I really wanted a name that.



Phil Boucher

Picking names.



Phil Boucher

For sure.




Easily identified me as a pediatrician obviously um and then also that embodied my brand so that said something about not just me being a pediatrician because there are you know thousands of pediatricians in Utah but something about how I was unique as a pediatrician.



Phil Boucher





And so I ended up going with the name healing arts pediatrics because I knew I wanted to dive into integrative pediatrics and get more training and expand my skills there and market myself as that. So that really influenced my choice of my name but also 1 other thing I'll mention is that? yeah.



Phil Boucher





I've seen a lot of practices use their personal their surname as part of their business name and their pros and cons to doing that I think it can be lovely but also um for me I wasn't sure what the future was going to look like I didn't know if.



Phil Boucher

Um, right? but.



Phil Boucher





Eventually I would have other people on board I would hire other Pediatricians and so I didn't want it to just be associated with my name because I wanted to leave the future open to different possibilities including expansion.



Phil Boucher

Right? I think um that you really hit the nail in the head there with it feels like a really big thing to and I kind of set it up to be a really big thing the way that I was talking about at the beginning of the episode and it is a big thing but you can certainly overthink it did you have any other contenders when you were.




Ah, ah.



Phil Boucher

Deciding that like you eventually led to healing arts.




I did I don't remember what they were at this point but I know I had a couple and there was a little bit of um, going back and forth I did search I did a Google search I recommend doing a Google search for whatever name that you're thinking of having because you want to make sure it's not.



Phil Boucher




Phil Boucher





And name that's really close to what someone else has or exactly what someone else has and I did find that there was a massage place near me called healing Arts massage and so I kind of you know, vacillated a little bit on should I choose this name but ultimately I felt like adding pediatrics to it I was doing something completely different.



Phil Boucher





That it would be Okay, yeah, how about you did like oh go ahead.



Phil Boucher

That was yeah so for me, um I think when I was thinking about names I thought too like you Well one My name is kind of hard to say. And so I didn't want to have to be like correcting people boucher pediatrics voucher pediatrics all of those sorts of things like it just is a little bit more challenging for people in this part of the country to say that name and so that led me away from my own name and also just like you I didn't know what the future would hold and I still don't know what the future will hold.




Ha ha.







Phil Boucher

But I didn't want it to be all me or all about me necessarily and so that led me away from naming it with my own name in there like I don't know about expansion clinics or other doctors or other things in the future and I also.







Phil Boucher

Wanted to have a team and have it be that these patients receive care from our whole team and so it's not just me and I started the practice and believe in the model but I didn't want it to all be about me so that as we grow people aren't like saying oh I want to see. Dr. Boucher I don't want to see anyone else. You know if there's other team members as we grow and expand our clinic and presence. Um the names so I had a couple on the short list because I live in the midwest I live in Nebraska and so there were some like.







Phil Boucher

Harkening back to the days of old and the idea of kind of like the little house on the Prairie the doctor that comes to you because we do do newborn house calls and and those sorts of things and so I had pioneer and this one of the streets That's really near us is pioneers to um which I didn't want to necessarily associate it with the street name.







Phil Boucher

And I've seen practices do that and actually our vet. Ah practice is named Rock Brook animal clinic which isn't even in rock brook anymore like they've moved twice since then but they hold on to like the little neighborhood that they were in despite not being anywhere near Rock Brook anymore so I didn't wanted to have a location thing in case, we ever move.




Um, ah yeah.



Phil Boucher

Things like that but pioneer because of just like the old pioneer days and those sorts of things and then what was the other one. Um Prairie Pediatrics which I liked to just kind of same sort of vibe of you know country living ah midwest living that sort of thing.







Phil Boucher

And then I was actually just driving down the street and actually by my old practice I saw the name frontier road and it just was like oh frontier that embodies the um, you know the the frontier life ah like doing something new and also. Being in the plains and like a frontierish area of the country at least back in the day. Um, and it also is something that's new in terms of the model so being a frontier being somebody on the forefront of a new way of practice and a new model of practice those all led me to frontier. And then I did of course like you said the Google search the Instagram search to see like what what is taken and actually frontier pediatrics is taken like both the Google name or the domain name and the Instagram handle and all those sorts of things. And so that led me to just kind of like riff on that a little bit with front frontier pediatric care which for me, allows me to do a little bit more than just pediatrician so we do, um, we have therapists and everything in that practice in our practice too.







Phil Boucher

And mental health and all those sorts of things ah integrated in and so frontier pediatric care at least in my mind allowed for a little bit more latitude in all that we do rather than being strictly. Ah a pediatrician office that we have some other angles to their care that we provide to and. That domain was available Frontier Pediatric care was available and so those things all led me down that rabbit hole.








I'm curious what when you search for friends friends here. Pediatrics was that existing in your state or somewhere else.



Phil Boucher

No, it was in I just have to mute my phone. It was in another state it was in I think South Dakota or Idaho or something like that not nearby or anything so there wasn't like a really an issue with the the naming it was more just wanting to.







Phil Boucher

Have a different domain name I guess I'm not sure what really led me to say like because of course there's plenty of like repeat names like there's only so many words that you can associate with a pediatric practice. So I don't think you have to have something that's completely novel and doesn't exist anywhere in the country that certainly isn't the case. But um.








So yeah.




Yeah, ah.



Phil Boucher

I Just wanted something that was unique enough and could be you know an easy domain name and those sorts of things.




Yeah, yeah, I just ask because I know sometimes you know when I was registering my name with the state The state checks their directories to make sure that it's not a name that's already used by someone else in the state but they don't necessarily check you know outside of your state.



Phil Boucher





Um, but it can get a little sticky if there is a trademark name or you know something like that. So just be careful and look outside of your immediate area I was I would add to our conversation.



Phil Boucher




Phil Boucher

I Think that's yeah, that's really important too is like checking the trademark before you get way deep down the path like if you buy a domain name I mean most domain names that aren't like really fancy like any thing that has pediatric and it is going to be like a few bucks to buy the go go daddy domain. So even if you buy a domain name.




Um, yeah.







Phil Boucher

And don't end up using it. But you definitely don't want to get so far into the weeds that you have a trademark violation or you get a cease and desist six months in that somebody discovered that you are you know infringing upon their trademark or something like that I also wanted to see I really like some of the unique ones. Um, where you're kind of like wait. Why did they pick that name.







Phil Boucher

And then there's some story behind it like your healing arts. Um, ah oh who is it is it Paul Thomas has Plum Health and there's just some that like um, kind of stand out as a really unique name that makes you wonder like why plum why did they pick that and I can't remember from reading his website in the distant past.




Ah ha.




Now. Yes.




Ah, yeah.



Phil Boucher

Why you pick that but some of those just like pique. Your curiosity is like why is it starfish pediatrics or whatever it might be like what what about that? Really stood out to the person which is just kind of another story that you can tell as you market and grow your practice.




Um, yeah, definitely that reminds me I think there's a family medicine Dpc Doc who is stand up deep piece direct primary care and it's because he he likes doing standup comedy and so that's something really unique to his personality his brand.



Phil Boucher

Um, yep, yep.




Ah, so yeah, you can You can have fun with this. You can be creative. Um, choose something that really makes you unique because that's gonna be part of your marketing strategy too down. The line is highlighting the things about your practice that make you and your approach to care Unique. So. Ah, fun with it. It can be something pretty basic but it can also be something fun if you want it to be.



Phil Boucher

For sure. It should be fun like you should look forward to answering the phone and saying those words like that you stand behind that. So I think that is something to really keep in mind as you're figuring out a name is like something that excites you and gives you energy to go to work every day.




Ah I would add also 1 thing like you don't have to be married to this name for the rest of your life. It is possible to change it. It just becomes a little complicated and a little bit of a headache in terms of all of the paperwork. All the bank accounts all of the other accounts that have that are associated with it.



Phil Boucher




Phil Boucher





Will also have to be changed but it is possible. So if you end up changing your plans for the future or changing your mind about your branding you can change it in the future.



Phil Boucher

That made me think of 1 other thing to say too is another reason I mean both of us kind kind of came down it sounds like on the side of not necessarily naming it based on your name is at some point you're goingnna retire or sometime you're you're gonna move on and if you're gonna. Close the practice. That's 1 thing. But if you wanted to live on after you then you have to decide. Okay is it going to remain my last name pediatrics or is it going to change hands and then they're going to have to rename it on all those other things. So if you're kind of looking to the distant distant future of what's the exit strategy going to be. That may play a role in the way that you decide on the name is it something that eventually you can sell because unlike a traditional practice where really like the value is in those insurance contracts and those ongoing patients you have a lot more ability in a direct primary care practice. To sell it for a lot more money at the end of the day because you have that membership model like people don't have to keep coming. You. You know you don't have to keep coming in to keep having recurrent revenue which is much more attractive to somebody that is um, both buying a practice and somebody that's selling your practice that there's a recurrent revenue. And it's not just okay, we have to get up to speed and they're going to be slower and all those sorts of things. It's very much more turnkey for a new owner to come in and that there's much more advantage to you as the the founder and creator when you do decide. It's time for me to retire and I want to sell this.



Phil Boucher

And so that is something that may play a role in that too is eventually I'm going to retire not going to do this until the day that I die Hopefully um I want that to live on after me or I'm just going to do it and then I'm going to close and be done when I decide that I want to retire so just another angle to consider.




Yeah, and we should probably have an episode at some point in the future about Exit Strategy is because that's something really important to think about even in the beginning is that Um, at some point none of us are going to practice forever. Um.



Phil Boucher





What do I do? What do I want to do in the future or what I What do I think I want to do at least but it is important to think about so an episode for the future all right? Well thank go ahead. Sorry can you see that closing again.



Phil Boucher

Right. All right? Well, thanks so much guys. Thanks so much. Guys. Thank yeah, sorry all right? Well thank you guys so much for tuning in. We'll have another episode next week and we'll keep carrying on the discussion. Please keep in touch if you would like to reach out, get help get support. Get advice. We're both eager to help those that are embarking on the dpc journey or thinking about it.




All right? Excellent! Thanks so much.